BETYROK musical HU
BETYROK DE regny Roman novel
shouted Dan, before she went under the shower,
shouted Kim back.
The wedding day they started with a good breakfast and then they met with Rosa and her husband before the registry office in Seville. Kim had asked Dan that he would allow her to wear a green hunting skirt, she had done dressmaking her own, and a white lace blouse. Dan agreed as well as he liked to wear a white shirt with a green necktie and a green suit to show his nature loving. He had bought a bride’s bouquet for Kim, made of red roses, well-fitting to her wonderful red hair and he put a red rose on his revers, too. They got married in a short, but heard-rending ceremony and left the venerable building as husband and wife. The hold a little party in a restaurant nearby with the two witnesses and spent their wedding night in the same hotel room, they had made love for the first time. They decided to spent the honeymoon in Canada, after the church wedding.
Kim was lucky enough to sell her apartment for good money, even when the change into Canadian Dollars didn't allow her to buy a car from, so less worth was the Spanish Peseta. Her boss regretted to loose a very good secretary, but invited the young couple for a farewell party in his home, because, as he liked to say, he felt a little bit responsible for the marriage, because they had met the first time in his house. It was a nice evening, a Flamenco dance group had been invited and gypsies were playing the guitar during the night. When the young couple said good bye to Kim's boss and his wife in the early morning hours, they were sleepy, but happy. They had a short rest in the hotel, then went to the airport, where the aircraft waited to take them to Canada. They had only some suitcases with them, the furniture, all other things and the two horses would come later with a ship. First Kim had some fears, when she asked Dan to allow her to take with her Dragonfly and the foal, but Dan smiled and kissed her.

As Kim went to the aircraft at the side of her husband, she thought, that now would begin a new phase in her life again. A new country, a new language were waiting for her! Dan spoke English and French, but French was the official language in this part of Canada, they were going to live and so Kim had to learn French, too. But there was no feeling of regret in her heart, while the plane took off and she left Spain, which had been her home country for a lot of years. High above the clouds Kim had again this feeling of freedom and relax, as she used to have it, when she was riding her horse. With great happiness she stroke the hand of her husband, which was lying on her knees.

whispered Dan in her ears. When the plane begun to land and dived under the clouds, Kim shouted surprised.
Dan smiled and pushed a little wisp of her wonderful red hair back from her forehead.
Kim shook her head and smiled to her husband.

Kim thought, what a wonderful, understanding man her husband was, who seemed to guess her wishes, before she talked about them.

he smiled. And Kim understood.

whispered Dan in her ears, and he kissed her gently. After some time the stewardess told them to fasten their seat-belts, because they were in approach. They had no problems at the customs and Dan hired a taxi, which brought them in a few minutes to the smaller airport, where the plane was waiting, which would take them to Dan's hometown. The young man had called his father before and told him the hour of their arrival. When Kim went out of the little plane at the side of her husband, she was in eager anticipation, how the father of Dan might look like. And then they stand face to face in the arrival lounge. Dan began with the introduction.
Kim looked at Dan's father and was glad to see the man smiling at her. He was in the later fifties, a tall man with a friendly face and Dan was the younger spitting image of him.
said he and gave her his hand, but then he pulled her to his heart and kissed her on the cheeks.
answered Kim and Dan smiled, because he was happy that the two foreigners accepted each other.
asked Dan's father with a smile and Dan hurried to give him a welcome kiss, too. Then they went to the car and Dan's father took them to his house. There Dan's mother was waiting for her son and his wife. When Dan opened the door, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. Then she looked at Kim.
she looked at Kim and Kim stood this examination. Then the woman followed
Kim hugged the woman and started to cry.
and Dan's mother started to cry, too. The young man was surprised, but his father took his arm and pulled him out of the room.

said Dan who knew, that his mother had lost a girl, born dead and after this was unable to have another child, and followed his father to the dining room. After a while the two women entered too and they spoke about a lot of things. The next morning Kim went with Dan's mother shopping and the day after was the wedding-day. The small wooden church was buried with white flowers, when Kim entered at her father-in-law arms the holy building. Dan was waiting in front of the altar that his wife would be his wife before God, too. Kim had chosen the dress of her dreams: white like virgin snow on the mountains, with a discreet top and a long, wide skirt, which was surging in waves around her fine legs. She wear a long lace-veil, fastened on her head with a small golden garland. In her hands she hold a bouquet of red roses, which had the same color as her beautiful hair. Dan wear a black tail coat with a white shirt with frills and a small red rose in his breast pocket. While the organ was playing they consented a second time to marry. When Kim was giving her signature into the parish register she felt like thousand angels were singing and promising her eternal happiness. After the ceremony they went with Dan's parents and the two witnesses to a restaurant where they had a wedding dinner. Then Dan and his young wife said good-bye and they took the car to reach the farm. Behind the gates of the town the wide land began and extended to endlessness. Kim let her hair blow by the wind and looked out with a feeling of dja-vue. The landscape seemed to be well-known to her, even when she had never seen before. She had a feeling of emotion, which choked her with happiness and let the tears come into her eyes.
asked Dan, while he was driving the open car with reliability on the dusty roads. Sensitive he was, he had noticed long time the emotion of his young wife and understood, what she felt.

smiled Dan. But Kim shook her head.
she asked her man. Dan smiled at her.
He stroke with one hand her face and she kissed his hand. After some miles they saw the farm lying in the green grassland, surrounded by white fences. When they came in the yard, Kim saw, that there were two houses, a bigger and a smaller one, built of wood and some stables behind them.
told her Dan.
Told him the young woman.
When he stopped the car before the bigger blockhouse, Kim saw, that there was a lot of flowers before the windows and in the well looked after garden. The door of the other blockhouse opened and a young couple went down the stairs. Dan jumped out of the car and helped Kim to leave.
The young couple smiled, when they welcomed the young woman.
The two men shook their hands and Jack took Dan's arm.
And Anne begged Kim to follow her into the garden.

told her Kim and the two young women went to the garden behind the big farm-house. There, under an old maple-tree, was a wooden table and some wooden chairs. On the table there was a cold-plate and some drinks. Kim and Anne talked about all and nothing and after a few minutes they were the best friends. Then Anne showed to Kim her new home. The inconspicuous blockhouse was insides a real pear! After a short entrance they entered the big drawing room with a cozy fire-place, leather chairs and paintings on the walls. Some of them Dan had painted, but there were originals from other artists, too. A few, solid, wooden furniture was standing in the room, sculpted in a beautiful way, Kim never had seen before. After this room there was a sunny study, the domain of Dan, filled with models, paintings, colors and easels. A charming disorder, which made Kim smile. After this came the bathroom and a big kitchen. All furniture was sculpted in the same way, even the beds and wardrobes in the rooms upstairs.
said Kim to Anne and the young woman agreed.

Kim was astonished. Anne agreed.

asked Kim.
answered Anne. smiled Anne.
agreed Kim and something in her voice let Anne prick up her ears.
asked Anne, but when she saw the sadness in Kim's eyes, she followed:
But Kim shook her head.
whispered Kim.
said Anne. And they went out to look for Dan and Jack. When Kim saw her husband, she ran to him and embraced him.
Dan kissed her.

whispered Kim.
They went to the stables, where warm and curious noses looked out of the open boxes.
said Kim, while she stroke the horse's necks. Dan agreed proudly.
Time went on and the household equipment arrived from Spain, but not the two horses – Dragonfly and the foal. After several weeks of phoning with the authorities, Kim had to accept, that she would never have her horses in Canada. Under tears she begged Rosa to agree, that the mare and the foal might stay at Rosa's hacienda, and her friend agreed. The day after, Dan, who felt, how sad Kim was, invited her to visit a friend with him. This friend was a breeder of Palomino-horses and Dan knew very well, that Kim needed a horse at her own, not one of his horses. So they went out with the friend to the paddocks and looked at the horses. When Kim saw a small mare with a golden fur and a long, silver mane, she looked at Dan.
she asked and Dan smiled.

said Kim. So they bought the mare and Kim named her Sheila. The next day Dan went to his friend with his van and brought the mare to his farm. Kim cried like a child, when she embraced the small horse.
And they went out, galloping through he high grass and the wind played with her long hair and Dan thought, that he was the happiest man all over the world! Time passed and they lived in perfect harmony. When Dan had an exhibition, Kim accompanied her husband and took a bath in the crowd, glad to see the success of her husband's arts. And when they stayed on the farm, the went out riding or wandering in the big, wide land. Glad to have each other and happy in their loneliness. One day, Dan had just left the farm to buy some spares for a tractor, Kim felt ill. She sat down on a chair and after a while, when the dizziness had passed, she decided to see Anne, for some Brandy.
asked her friend, when Kim told her, what had happened to her.
Kim was astonished, but Anne shook her head.
asked Anne, who knew all about Kim's live.
shouted Kim.
laughed Anne. Kim agreed and decided to see a doctor as soon as possible. She was to anxious to tell Dan about this, she wished to be sure, before. So when Dan came home, she told him that she felt ill and want to see a doctor. Her husband took her to the little town and waited for her. When he saw her coming out of the practice, smiling all over her face, he took her in his arms.
Kim kissed him gently and whispered ashamed.

he shouted and took her to a little restaurant, where they served the best meals in hundreds of miles around. And in the twilight of candles, burning on the tables and on the walls, they enjoyed to be near to each other. And Kim forgot the second fact, the doctor had told her: her blood group doesn't fit with her parent's blood groups! Only later in the evening she remembered something. Once her grandmother had told her something about the sin, her mother had committed. And now the nearly forgotten words had a sense! Her mother's sin, that was another man! And other details took a place in her mind, like a puzzle. The money received each month and about what her father wasn't allowed to know, the friendly "uncle" in the office, his gifts for her birthdays and Christmas – would it be true, that her mother's boss was her real father? Kim had some doubts, but expected to find the solution soon. But the most important thing was the child and it's health and so she decided to try to find a solution only after the birth of Dan's and her baby. It was October and the leaves began to fall down after an exceptionally beautiful Indian summer when Errol Ackroyd was born. It was a nice, healthy, big baby and made his parents very glad. When Dan took his little family back to the farm, Kim shouted by surprise, when she saw the sleeping room.
Indeed, Dan had taken all his love in this piece of wood. He had sculpted a lot of small flowers and animals and at the top there was a veil made of muslin. She laid the baby in the cradle and Dan showed her a small gift.
he said and offered her a golden ring with two emeralds, hold by a golden heart.
she cried, but Dan dried her tears and kissed her gently.
He saw that the baby felt in sleep and so he began to undress his wife.
he whispered and Kim agreed. And they spent the night in love. Dan begged his wife to write her mother about the baby and she did it, but only because it was the wish of her husband. Otherwise she was glad, that she seemed to have escaped from the influence of her mother and the nightmare had disappeared, too. But what a disappointment, when some weeks after her letter the postman delivered a small parcel. It came from her mother and its content was a small dress for the baby – and some pants. Kim burned them immediately. Then she found two letters. One came from her mother, only a few words: "You are my daughter and you stay it!" The other was from Maude and it was much longer. "Dear Kim! What a surprise, that you are living now in Canada! I hope you are well and happy. Since you had been here, when grandma died, we have had no news from you. So I hope things had been gone better for you in the new country. I don't ask you, what happened in the meantime, if you want me to tell your story, so do it, but I understand you, if you won't. Now something about me. Mother becomes each day more and more unbearable. Since he is a pensioner, father is always with his stamps – spending more time in his study or on fairs, as with the family. And mother tries to make me obey as if I would be a teenager. But I finished my studies and work with an old veterinarian in his practice. It's me to visit the big animals at the farms, he is always in his practice. But so I met some month ago a young man, who is the owner of a horse-breeding some miles away from home. He is very gentle and I visit his animals, even when they are not ill....... My best wishes to you, your husband and the little baby. Your sister Maude." When Kim was lying this evening in her bed at the side of Dan, the nightmare came back. The mother regained control of her daughter. Dan was awaked by her unsteady sleep and asked her, what has happened.

He kissed her with ardor and began to stroke her beautiful body, to make her feel, that at his side she should have no fears. Because he neither took it lightly her fears, nor the meaning of her dream. Sensitive and open to apparently inexplicable phenomenon's, he knew, that the fear to be influenced or to be kept under observation, might made the young woman who is in love with life to an apprehensive girl. He decided to protect Kim against all bad influences, but this might be hard. One day Kim was alone in the house, the telephone rang. She put up the receiver – and was paralyzed. Her mother's voice boomed in the room!
Kim wasn't able to say a word, so she was shocked. At last she whispered:
and she put the receiver down, shaking all over. So Dan found her, when he entered the room.
he shouted.
cried Kim on his shoulder. Dan stroke her hair and tried to calm her. But it took a long time to make her forget this day. Dan decided to leave the farm with his little family for a while and so they went to his parent's house. When they turned back on the farm, Dan changed the phone number and Kim, who knew, that her mother would open the letter she would write to her sister or listening the phone-call didn't give the new number to anybody. The little Errol grew up in love and liberty. Dan and Kim taught him to respect nature, to love animals and to live his life. Sometimes Kim remembered another little boy, torn from his mother by force in a country far away and she hoped, that one day, when Csar will grew up and be of age, he will try to find her. When she spoke about her secret dreams with Dan she was glad to hear, that her husband had nothing against those thoughts. He promised her, that he will accept Csar as his own child, whenever the young man will decide to stay with them.
Kim shouted, when they talked about this.
Dan said but he was glad to see his wife so happy. The months were coming and going and one day Kim received a telegram from her mother: I will be at the airport STOP Monday at 4 p.m. STOP Wait for me STOP Mum
When Kim showed the telegram to Dan, he didn't understand.
Kim shook her head.

said Dan.
agreed Kim.
smiled Dan and took her in his arms. The next day he went to the airport and waited for his mother-in-law. When she came with a lot of suitcases out of the terminal, he knew, that his fear the worst had become true.
He said, while Kim's mother scrutinized him from his head to his feet.
asked Arden without a gentle word to her son-in-law. But Dan didn't worry.
he answered, while he took her suitcases.
Arden shouted, but he stand her look.
he said complacently. Kim's mother shook her head.
she smiled cruelly and Dan felt, that his loved Kim was in danger. He didn't say a word until they reached the farm and Arden was silent, too. He tried to find a solution, to protect Kim and his family from her mother's influence. She thought about the possibilities to extend her influence on her daughter, now, that she would stay nearby. In the meantime, Kim had told her son, that the grandmother was coming. The little boy wasn't very excited, he wished to play with Anne's little girl, who was born six month after his birth. The two children were inseparable since their earliest youth and the two families were glad, that their children were friends. So Kim let her son leave the house to play in the garden with the little Mary. When the car turned into the yard, she began to shiver. She felt like a net sinking down on her and surrounding her, holding captured her thoughts and her free will. Arden ran into the house like it was her own and shouted:
Kim came out of the kitchen and tried to show a self-assured face to her mother.
she asked, but her mother ignored her daughter's questions.
Kim tried to stand her mother's penetrating eyes.
But her mother's answer caused her a shock.

shouted Kim astonished,
said Arden.
But her mother turned the discussion into another sense.

said Kim while her mother ran out. Kim wished to protect Errol, but when she arrived, the little boy was still crying and Mary hide behind a tree. Kim took her son in her arms and tried to calm him.
she shouted angrily, while she stroke Errol's face. Her mother stood there shrugging her shoulders.

said Arden, before she went back to the house. After the dinner, when Dan, who couldn't stand the tense atmosphere, went out to play with his son, Arden came into the kitchen, where Kim washed the dishes and started the discussion.

shouted Kim with all her force.
laughed Arden, At her words, Kim let fall down the plate, she was cleaning, which shattered on the floor. She opened the door and ran out, out, away from her cruel mother! Arden laughed, while she said:
Kim found Dan and Errol in the garden and Dan felt that something was going wrong.

whispered Kim and Dan went back to the house leaving Errol with his mother. Dan put the suitcases in his car and finally called Arden.
Arden was so surprised by his words and his behavior, that she followed him without a word. When Dan had left her at the hotel and came back, he found Kim lying in the bed, crying.

whispered Kim and snuggled up to her husband. But in the night, the nightmare came back and when Dan woke her up, her heard was beating wild and her body was covered in sweat.
said Dan and Kim tried to believe him. Her mother found a little house some hundred miles away from their farm and settled down. But Kim never visited her and she didn't try to turn back on the farm. So the little family lived in peace. Errol grew up and became a strong young man. He was one of the best at school and the best rider in the whole county, after his father. Dan taught him to ride even before he walked and Errol became a good hunter and archer, too. Kim taught him all about life and let him the liberty to make his own experiences and to build his own character. One day, Dan was working in his father's office and Errol was at school, a big, black saloon car was coming into the yard. Kim came out of the house to see, what happened, when the car stopped and a man opened the door.
he asked.
agreed Kim.
The man followed Kim into the living room, where she told him to take place.
she asked, but the man nodded his head.
He showed her his identity card. < So I wish to be sure: are you Mrs. Ackroyd, divorced Mrs. Jos Almerida, born Kim O'Keary?> he asked again and Kim had a bad feeling as she agreed.

The man gave her a closed letter and an official document.
he said and Kim was paralyzed by the shock. She was unable to understand, that her first child was dead, would never come back to her if he will grew up. Over! Over the hope to see him one day, over a young life full of hope and future. Kim heard her own voice as she asked:
No matter, her son was dead, that was all, but she wished to know all about him, his last hours, the circumstances, his young life was extinguished.
He put a small paper on the table. Kim took it in her hand and tried not to cry before the man will leave the house.
The man agreed and let her alone. She broke down in tears, when she heard the car leaving the yard and cried, until Dan came back. When he found his wife lying on the floor in tears, he thought, that something had happened with Errol.
and he breathed a sigh of relief when she nodded her head.
she screamed.
said Dan, while he took her in his arms and kissed her tears away. Kim needed a very long time to pass this tragedy and only the love of her husband and the joy she found with Errol helped her to escape from her black thoughts. After some years Errol decided to make his career as a pentathlon athlete and his parents agreed. They helped him whenever they could and he became a famous sportsman. One day, while he took part in an international event, he met a young girl and fell in love. She was French, but her mother came from Italy. When Errol presented her to his parents, Kim was glad, that her son had found the woman of his life and Dan promised, to help the young couple to find a ranch not far away from his own farm. Three month after, Errol and Cline got married, first in Canada and then in France. Kim and Dan danced on both weddings, like young lovers and enjoyed the trip to Europe very much. When the young couple went to the honeymoon – they spent one month in Australia – Kim and Dan returned on their farm.
asked Dan his wife when they were sitting at the comfortable sofa in their house, watching the dancing flames of a warm fire.
asked Kim back with a pretence of being indignant.
joked her husband. He got a light slap around his face.
explained she with humor. Dan nodded his head.
And he smiled meaningful.


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2022. Februr
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